Friday 19 January 2018

Life Without Modern Gadgets

Nowadays, man can’t imagine his life without modern gadgets. Modern gadgets have made our lives quite comfortable. But at the same time, our dependence on them had increased so much that we can’t do without them at all. Life seems to be impossible without the modern gadgets. We cannot come to school if the bus operators go on strike.                          Gadgets that make Travel and Business Easier - The World ...                                                                We cannot cook without an LPG cylinder. We can’t do our washing without a washing machine. We can’t assume our life without a TV, a telephone, a computer, or any other modern gadgets. If our phone goes ‘dead’, we feel ourselves cut off from the rest of the world. Truly, we have become the slaves of machines. We have become so dependent on them we can’t tolerate their absence. We can't remember a thing without the help  of machines. For example, we have to depend on machines for simple calculations even, whereas our forefathers could solve intricate arithmatical problems in no time. This overdependence on machine has made us physicallly weak, mentally lethargic and emotionally dead. Man will have to come out of this if he is not to become a Lilliputian.    
Jaaly topper

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