Saturday 20 January 2018


Photosynthesis is an anabolic process by which green plants synthesize organic food from simple inorganic materials, namely water and carbon dioxide int he presence of sunlight and chlorophyll. Proper maintenance of life on earth requires continuous supply of energy. This energy comes directly or directly from the sun. The existence of all forms of life on this planet has made possible mainly by means of energy conversion. The chlorophyllous organisms convert radiant energy of sun in to chemical energy of sun into chemical energy by the process of photosynthesis.
           Seeking The Truth: Process Of Photosynthesis Begins In ...
                                           Significance of photosynthesis :- 
For photosynthesis carbon dioxide, water, chlorophyll and sunlight are absolutely essential. There is only 0.03% carbon dioxide by volume in the atmosphere. Only 0.2% solar energy falling on earth is used during photosynthesis. More than 170 million tons of dry matter is produced annually by photosynthesis. 90% of the total photosynthesis is done by marine organisms .
              All green plants are called producers because they can make organic food for all living organisms. Achlorophyllous organisms are called consumers ( heterotrophic organisms ) and they are dependent on producers for their organic food requirement.
            During photosynthesis oxygen is produced which is very important for respiration of all organisms. It also help in making ozone in the outer layer of atmosphere which helps in stopping the highly harmful ultraviolet rays from reaching the earth. Plants yield wood, rubber , fodder , fibers , resins, oils ,etc. These are all photosynthetic products.Fossil fuels too are photosynthetic products of  ancient photosynthetic organisms. By photosynthetic activity carbon dioxide is consumed and oxygen is liberated . so, this process acts as purifier of atmosphere.
      Raw materials for photosynthesis
Carbon dioxide, a hydrogen donor ( water ) , light energy and structural framework of the green plant in the form of chloroplasts are basic requirements for the process of photosynthesis.
                The only source of carbon for plants for the purpose of assimilation is the atmosphere carbon dioxide.Besides atmosphere other sources of carbon are biological respiration and decaying organic matter. Carbon dioxide is in dissolved state in water.
 Solar radiation is the only source of light for all forms of life. Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation produced produced by sun. Visible  light forms only a small fraction of the total visible electromagnetic radiation reaching the earth. Of the visible spectrum, certain wavelengths are absorbed by green plants ( red and blue parts of of spectrum) .
           Special analysis of the visible light shows the following rays with their respective wavelengths given in parenthesis:-
                             Violet               ( 390 - 430 nm )
                             Blue                 ( 430  - 470 nm )
                             Blue green       ( 470 - 500 nm )
                             Green               ( 500 - 560 nm )
                             Yellow              ( 560 -  600 nm )
                             Orange             ( 600 - 650 nm )
                             Red                   ( 650 - 760 nm )    
jaaly topper

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